Thursday, February 11, 2010

The sweetest sound in the world

I find it so amazing and hard to believe that there is another person living inside of my body. A perfect tiny little body with a beating heart all its own that will someday follow that heart wherever it may lead. Although I can't feel it now, we heard little kicks with the Doppler and we heard the pulse beating within the umbilical cord connecting the two of us. God created my body knowing that these lives would grow there and I am in awe.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Finally (I hope)

This Saturday and Sunday I have finally started to feel a bit better. I haven't experienced nausea like I have in the past six weeks. I have had a few moments where i felt a tiny bit nauseated, but it was usually because I needed to eat or drink something, I handled it quickly and then I felt fine again. I have continued to be tired but that is to be expected. I am really hoping that this becomes the norm and not just an exception. Only time will tell.

We are currently at 10-12 weeks. Yeah!

In other news, I keep having dreams that I start bleeding and I have to say I lost the baby. I also am having dreams that I can feel the baby moving, so I am not sure which is a sign, but I hope it is the later. I can't imagine losing a baby. I know it is possible but I am hopeful that this little bean will stay safe in my womb and all is well in there.

We have our first prenatal appointment this coming Wednesday and I am looking forward to the possibility of hearing the little beans heartbeat. Hopefully we are lucky and can find it!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I really am so excited to be pregnant and to think about the future with two beautiful little children, but I am so tired of not feeling good. I know that some women have things way worse than I have, but I do not like being nauseated. I am so over trying to creep though my day without wanting to puke, even though I never really do. Loving the baby idea, really wanting to feel better. This too shall pass.