Thursday, May 20, 2010

14-16 weeks

Well, we have somewhere between 14 and 16 weeks to go. Sometimes that seems like a long way off because 4 months is a long time, but when I think of 40 weeks versus 14, it seems much too soon. I really do love being pregnant and experiencing all of the changes and movements. I know that I will miss this belly when it is gone and I may forget the feeling of these movements someday, and I know I will miss sleeping a whole night, but I will not miss heartburn and lower back pain.

I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were giving advise to a mom-to-be for the first time. One caller told her to never forget to smell her child and remember their smell. I love the way Caleb smelled the day he was born and sometimes I just nestle under his chin or smell the top of his head, especially after his shower/bath. There is nothing like the sweet smell of a little baby, especially my own.

Caleb is growing so quickly and understanding so much every day. He is climbing everything, taking a few tumbles, and learning how to brush himself off. I learn so much from him each day. We have been working on a new discipline technique and it seems to be working. In the middle of a huge tantrum at the library I saw a book on the shelf called, "Positive Time-Out, and over 50 ways to Avoid Power Struggles in the Home and the Classroom". The premise is that kids behave better when they feel better and punitive time-out does not meet that goal. We have made a time out spot that we call the Quiet Cubby and when Caleb is acting out we ask him if he needs to go there and calm down. He usually chooses to go there on his own, where he takes a few deep breaths and comes back, shows us gentle touches or apologizes and then moves on. It is all by choice, and if he really needs to go there but doesn't choose it, we go there with him and help him calm down, but not forcing him to sit there like a punishment. We praise him for going to his cubby and for calming his body down and when he returns we ask him if he is feeling better. In the past couple days his behavior is evolving and it seems to be working. When he gets upset outside of the house, we can usually get him to take some deep breaths and only once have we had to take a quiet time in the car until he was feeling better and ready to handle the situation calmly. Now I find him taking big deep breaths even before I remind him or whenever he feels tense. It is so cute and I find myself giggling, but it truly is a good technique that will serve him later in his life. Sometimes Mommy takes a time-out too. I love learning with and from my child. Thank you God for this blessing!

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