Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010!

During my pregnancy with Caleb I didn't really like taking pictures of the belly. I felt huge and stretch marks are gross and I just didn't feel comfortable. We took a few and now I cherish them. With this pregnancy I have wanted to take a lot more photos of myself being pregnant and of the belly. Today we had our annual Mother's Day photo shoot at Avery Park and it felt so good to have some beautiful pictures taken of my pregnant form and my lovely little family. Thanks to my wonderful husband for this gift!

Just a Sunday walk in the park.

I love my little family!

Caleb loves the baby already! Here's the belly, stretch marks and all. It is not smooth and pretty like some bellies, but it is mine and it holds my precious little treasure.

I love this belly and I know I will miss it when it is gone. I also can't wait to meet the little person. I will just enjoy the journey at every stage.

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