Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Change is always a challenging time in life. It is sure to be filled with excitement, apprehension, joy, fear, sadness and a variety of other feelings no matter what the change may be. Life is full of changes, large and small. Some are sudden while others happen over time.

Caleb had his first sleep over and Geoffrey and I went to the coast for the night. I cried when we left him, not because I didn't want to go, or I didn't want him to have this experience, but because our relationship to him was changing. As he grows, his need for us changes and while it feels good to know that he is secure enough to behave appropriately, I was a little sad to leave him and also happy to have 24 hours to ourselves. A change met with apprehension, sadness, and joy and it made me a better mom because after a night away I was so refreshed and excited to see him. He did so well and so did we.

My Dad and Lisa are preparing for a major change in their lives. This change brings me a bit of sadness because is means the loss of the house I grew up in and with it, so many memories. I am excited for them because they are fulfilling dreams and preparing for their future together. I know that this change brings them both some apprehension and stress as they make things happen and I wish we lived closer so I could maybe help in some way. Such is life.

I have been thinking a lot about the changes that will take place in our family in the next few months. Caleb will be asked to share our attention with another little person and we will manage to care for two people under the age of two.

Change in life is inevitable, exciting, challenging and joyous. In every change there are positives and negatives and it is all part of the journey. From babies to toddlers to children to teenagers to adults to retirement to many adventures to death; such is life and all its changes.

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