Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An epiphany

I had a learning moment in Yoga tonight. I was doing a posture laying on my belly with my arms flat underneath me, or they were supposed to be. I was struggling a little bit and the instructor came over and corrected me. My first instinct was to be embarrassed because I was pointed out, but then I said, "self, that is why you are here is to learn and it is okay to not be perfect." Some other ladies were talking about the learning process after class. One lady said that after four months she finally figured out what the instructor meant by a certain hand posture. It made me feel good to know that I wasn't the only one that didn't have it all figured out. I had a hard time getting my balance in a couple of poses and my foot kept sliding in the Triangle pose because my legs aren't strong enough yet to hold my foot there. I struggled tonight, but I also made progress. In a couple of poses I was able to go further than before and do things I haven't been able to do. It is such an amazing feeling to reach out and try, whether I succeed or not. In that studio I can push my body further than I ever thought I could. I can touch my forehead to my knees with my legs totally straight, I can keep control of my mind and not panic in the heat, and I can allow myself to be imperfect in the pursuit of a healthier, stronger and better looking body. I am now trying to define my success by simply trying and doing everything to the best of my ability.

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