Monday, December 7, 2009

The Bikram Experience

I have been inspired by this show and I am beginning to learn more about myself from these people. I empathize with them when they say, "I don't know how to succeed because I have always been a failure. I have always been the fat kid. Exercise cause me anxiety, etc." I want to be healthier and happier. I want to have energy and I don't want to be the fat kid anymore.

I went to my first Bikram Yoga class this past Saturday and was totally blown away. For those who do not know, Bikram Yoga is a hot yoga. It consist of 24 postures and 2 breathing exercises done in a studio that is 95-105 degrees. The heat allows your body to work harder and stretch further without pain or damage. It also helps in sweating out toxins. This practice works every muscle and organ in the body all the way down to the cellular level. I have gone to many yoga classes and I have joined many a gym program and diet, but I never really get the results I want. In 90 minutes I sweat more than I ever have doing any other exercise and I am still feeling the effects in my muscles. I felt so strong, balanced and powerful. I also felt really nauseated afterward, which is probably attributed to all the toxins being released. It smelled so bad in the room, but as soon as class started I didn't even notice it anymore. I am definitely sore from Saturday but it isn't painful like after weight lifting or regular yoga, it is more just the feeling of muscles worked that I haven't worked in a while.

I want to be thinner and healthier but I don't ever feel like I belong in a gym, I don't like running, I am not a very good swimmer, and I don't always like to eat healthy. I want to give Bikram Yoga another try and see if this is the thing for me. It seems like every time I get on a weight loss kick I get side tracked, run out of time, or don't see results and I give up. Right now we have a variety of friends that are big into Bikram Yoga and it may be the thing that keeps me in the game. It is so hard but I was so proud of myself on Saturday for trying and succeeding. I just need to see results and continue to go and try. I don't want to be a failure anymore when it comes to my health.

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